I am a 17 year old, busy, A level student also competing and playing high level sport. I have a really busy calendar. There’s a lot going on for me and I’ve found it really useful seeing Cat every 2-3 weeks since February 2023.
Cat is a really good listener and hugely empathetic. We talk through strategies to help me when I feel challenged and experience sensory overload. Cat suggested ways to help me and she has directed me to other resources and professionals who can support me too. I always come away from her sessions feeling positive. I like how we keep a record of my progress too.
From her parents:
Thank you Cat for your expertise and professionalism supporting our daughter. She has a lot going on with school and sport and I know she truly values the sessions she has with you, as do we! We love your flexibility with booking sessions as and when needed. Thank you!
I took my daughter to see Cat in the midst of a long term illness. Cat has been a huge part of her mental and physical recovery. She is professional, kind and caring in her approach. Cat helped her set targets for herself, manage her feelings and essentially grow into herself. The skills my daughter learned to cope well in todays world served her well and will do so for life. She continues to grow into a strong, confident and thriving young woman. She has got back to her love of running too!
County Tennis U12 Boys 6wk program outcome
• 100% of players have significantly improved their confidence towards their game.
• 100% improvements were made to their rating of components to their game.
• 100% of our county players agree that these sessions are beneficial to their game.
Key Development Points:
• How to recognize when my head goes down
• Being less stressed
• Understanding the CBT cycle and when to put on my ‘sunny specs’
• Power of relaxation breathing exercises
• Having a positive attitude into tournaments
• Accepting the game
• Understanding my stress bucket
• I am calmer with better inner control
• I improved my topspin serve
• I have become smarter on court with better anticipation
• I have stopped worrying about other people
• That by staying calm and not giving up is effective
• I have become more aware.
It is difficult to sum up Cat’s abilities and the positive attitude effect that she has had on my children. It is not just Cat’s training in Fusion therapy but her decades of experience as a teacher and her natural positive, bubbly demeanour and genuinely wanting to help people to live their best life that truly make her a wonderful mental health coach.
Covid left many children scarred internally and changed mentally perhaps forever. My headstrong, confident 8 year old was affected by being locked down and kept from her friends and activities she loved. She became frustrated, then fearful and anxious. Over time anxiety enveloped her and prevented her from living a normal life. At worst she could not travel for more than 15 minutes in the car, could not cope with school or anything new. A change to the school day or her teacher being off sick would send her anxiety levels through the roof and physical symptoms would persist such as super high temperatures and not being able to breathe.
Having been through two sets of counselling and seeing only fractional improvement we were given Cat’s name. Cat‘s approach to our daughter was very different to what we had experience before. Our daughter needed to understand her feelings and know that anxiety may always be a part of her, she needed strategies and tools going forward to be able to manage her feelings herself.
The first session was awful for me as it was something new and exactly the kind of situation that creates anxiety for my daughter. On the day, she was ill, begged me to move the appointment cried constantly and could barely breathe. I had to settle her in with Cat before leaving. It went well but took a few sessions to really make an impact.
It has been 6 months or so now, my daughter has not only travelled 4 hours in a car, she has been on a school bus on a trip (without a parent), been on an aeroplane (4 actually) and really seems to have her anxiety under her control. We have top up sessions monthly to check in and keep her on track, we know that the anxiety may always be there but we are also confident that our daughter has the tools needed to deal with it and every situation the occurs going forward.
Cat is always at the end of the phone, she genuinely wants to help and knows when small and big achievements have been made.
We cannot recommend her highly enough. Thank you Cat!
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